Thursday, September 23, 2010

Local restaurant Robongi does away with car delivery for eco friendly roller skates


Hoboken, NJ

In an effort to keep Washington Street safer and less congested, local eatery Robongi will do away with vehicles on October 1st, 2010 and utilize Roller Skates to make all deliveries.  Restaurant manager Ivan had this to say.  "We have received a lot of complaints for local residents that we use Washington St. as our own personal driveway and that we double park too much, take naps in our cars and congregate on other peoples property to read, play cards and look at naked lady books.  While all of this is true, we want to make a change and appear in a better spotlight".

Delivery drivers are outraged by the sudden news.  Hang T. En of Queens, NY who currently uses his car to deliver said "This is outrageous.  How am I going to nap now?  Shit, I don't even know how to roller skate".

Another driver who wishes to remain anonymous said "Ivan has told us that in the winter time we will have to use cross country skies to get around town.  I am appalled at these new rules and many of us are planning on quitting, we're gonna  get jobs at Cluck U Chicken and use our cars."

Local Hoboken resident Mike O'Malley said "This is a great idea!!  I live across the street from Robongi and when I peek out my window at night all I see is a nightly game of poker being played on the hoods of 7 Hondas.  Their action to relieve traffic from the street and at the same time allow drivers to burn some calories is a fantastic idea, I applaud management".

A strike is being planned for this Saturday by the drivers.  We will update this story as we learn more details.

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