Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hair Salons replacing scissors with Flowbees, sign of our times


Hoboken, NJ

With the current state of our economy, many local hair salon owners are now eliminating the purchase of expensive hair scissors (some cost over $200 per piece) with Flowbee devices.  It looks like owners and stylists are all feeling the financial crunch by making the switch.

Local stylist Guy G. says "Each year I probably spend $2500 on a variety of scissors.  Ever since I picked up the Flowbee at a garage sale at the Tea Building, I have saved a lot of money and time in the salon.  The average cut takes about 25 minutes with scissors, the Flowbee takes 4 minutes".  "I wish I believed in the Flowbee growing up, I always thought of it as a sex toy for people that had lazy fists" added Guy G.

Lonnie Gerard of another Hoboken salon said "In 2010 vintage is the new thing.  Scissors are so 2009.    Many of my clients are so happy I broke my Flowbee out of from under my bed".

Lisa T. of Hoboken who frequents a salon that has resorted to the Flowbee told Bizarre Hoboken " The Flowbee is the best, it is so quick.  Yeah it pulls on my hairs a little but I'm out of the chair in 5 minutes.  This gives me another 20 minutes to push my double wide stroller while I text all my girlfriends".

It appears the Flowbee is making a huge comeback in Hoboken.  Many other salons are considering following suit.

Submitted by senior staff writer Phil Theegrave who demonstrates the proper way to use a Flowbee.  Photo credit: Phil's Mom

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