Friday, September 24, 2010

Federal indictments for Hoboken Bar Trivia Cheaters


Newark, NJ

Federal prosecutors in Newark, NJ this morning have indicted 5 Hoboken residents on charges of cheating during Hoboken Bar Trivia contests over the last 4 years.  Federal prosecutor's charge Brian Jablonski, Sam Daniels, Ted "My sweater is always too tight" Johnson, Amanda Ippolito and Dawn Trindowitz with a 376 count indictment.

"We will not allow average citizens to be duped out of Coors Light T Shirts, bottles of wine and $40 bar tabs because some people find it OK to use their PDA's and cell phones to get correct answers".

A local trivia question asker tipped off federal authorities in 2009.  "I couldn't believe the same 5 people would win every Wednesday night.  I then watched the bar's surveillance tape one night and saw these people using their PDA's under the table.  They played the part right and acted as if but every 12 seconds one of them would glance down under the table and thats when I saw a Blackberry" said an anonymous source close to the investigation.

In early 2010 federal prosecutors obtained a warrant to place tracers on each of the 5 defendants cell phones.  "Monday through Thursday nights, each PDA would have dozens of google requests while Friday through Sunday there would be no requests.  We knew that since Trivia is only played in Hoboken Mon-Thur, we would have a solid case against the defendants" added prosecutor Dean Thomas.

Yesterday 12 federal agents stormed the residences of all 5 suspects with search warrants.  Agents have told Bizarre Hoboken that they have seized over 100 Hornitos T Shirts, 40 Sam Adams beach chairs, numerous branded shot glasses and stacks of local gift cards ranging in value.

"We believe that over the last 4 years these defendants have accumulated nearly $24,000 in ill gotten bar tabs". added Dean Thomas

Federal Magistrate John Taylor has remanded all the defendants on a never before seen bail.  A reporter associated with Bizarre Hoboken heard the judge tell all 5 defendants "I am going to remand all the defendants until they can answer this 10 question quiz I have drawn up".  Since PDA's are not allowed in the jail where the defendants are now in custody, it may be awhile before they see the light of day.

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