Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hoboken to Build Airport in 2014. Monroe Street to be eliminated.


Hoboken, NJ

Local Hoboken officials are meeting secretly this week to discuss the possibilities of placing a regional airport in the Mile Square city in 2014.  Monroe Street is the intended area of construction and residents will be forced to move and sell property if the deal is made.

"An airport in Hoboken is essential and will bring much needed revenue to the Mile Square city.  Today, people must get in cabs and take an 18 minute ride to Newark.  With so many Hoboken residents always flying for work we feel that an airport capable of handling Embraer's, 707's, 727's and Gulfstream jets would be essential for the town and an added bonus for those considering living in Jersey City as opposed to Hoboken.  Now you no longer have to take that 18 minute ride, you just walk to the airport" says one official.

The proposed area that the airport will cover is Monroe St from Observer to 10th St.  Both side of houses and apartments on Monroe St will be eliminated.  Jet Blue representative Richard Face says " We intend on buying out every resident with large sums of money".  When asked how will this airport work Face responded with "Observer to 10th gives us 3500 feet, enough for several small jets.  This will essentially be a strip therefore one plane takes off and one lands and so on.  The terminal will be quite small and narrow and there will be no parking".

Local resident Betty Vanzianetti is up in arms over the proposed idea.  "They can't even fix a fucking pothole and they want to build an airport?".  Another resident who wishes to remain anonymous said "This is a great idea, Newark is in a way pretty far and personally I work a lot in other cities.  If this happens it will make Hoboken such a cool place to live".

Calls to officials with regards to this story were not available at press time.  We will continue to update this story as information is made available.

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