Thursday, September 23, 2010

False Bomb Scare in Hoboken, Police say it was an egg timer


Mildred Herman, a 94 year old Hoboken woman called police to her 11th St apartment yesterday to report a possible bomb.  Jersey City Bomb Squad was called in to canvas the apartment.  "There is a loud ticking noise coming from my kitchen" said Mildred Herman to 911 Operator.  Upon arriving at the scene, police found an egg timer on Ms. Herman's counter and a pot roast in the oven.

Police considered there to be no immediate threat of an explosive device.  Police believe due to Mrs. Herman's age, she must have forgot about her dinner and suspected the ticking noise to be a possible bomb.

When Bizarre Hoboken asked Mrs. Herman what had happened in her kitchen she told us "Well I just got back from voting and I sure hope that Richard Nixon wins this election."

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