Friday, October 1, 2010

Frank SInatra Drive to be Renamed Arite Lange Boulevard 11-15-10

Hoboken, NJ

Rumorville in Hoboken from several reliable sources have all confirmed that come middle November of this year Frank Sinatra Drive will be renamed Artie Lange Boulevard.  Local officials feel that Frank Sinatra is just some deceased guy who people no longer talk or really care about.  A local official who wishes to remain anonymous said "Hoboken is known for antics, drunks, trouble makers and a few yuppies.  Who better to represent our town in style than Artie "Devil Dog Eating" Lange"

We asked several local people about the changes.  Eric Howard 22 of Hoboken said "Who the fuck is Frank Sinatra?".  When told he was a famous musician Mr. Howard replied "Cool, was he like in Korn or some shit?"

Maybelline McCarther said "This is good.  We are a young town and the Frank guy resembles a gigantic geriatric kingdom, which we are not.  I am happy to see this change."

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